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Working From Home –⁠ How To Be More Productive? Follow These 5 Tips.

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June 2, 2020

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Have you started working from home recently? Or are you already working from home for a couple of weeks and can't stay productive? When changing the working environment (in this example, from office to home), it can take some time before you get used to a new surrounding and overall workflow. We've put together five tips which, if you follow them, will help you become more productive and get your work done.

Set Up Your Working Place

If the dispositions of your apartment make it possible, get a proper working desk. The kitchen table works for a couple of days as well, but in the long run, a dedicated desk, which you'll be working at, is much better. Besides, take care of your back and don't sit the whole day on a kitchen chair, or a sofa. Ideally, get an office chair, which is much better for your back and help you hold a healthier body posture
Are you working every day on your laptop? An external monitor might also be a piece of useful equipment. Looking 8 hours/day into a small screen isn't good for your eyes. Besides, keep your desk clean and try to have only work-related things on it (not the personal invoices you have to pay, favourite books, or some DIY stuff). These little things can very quickly grab your attention. 

Create Your Working Schedule and Follow It Rigorously

It doesn't mean that you have to stick to the 9-5 plan. Enjoying a workout in the morning or going for a short walk after lunch? Well, it's all right. For some people, it can work in this way; the others will prefer doing these activities after they finish working. (See the greatest benefits of working from home).
Try to apply your schedule to every working day so that you quickly get used to it. Worry about stereotypes? On the one hand, they might sound boring, but on the other hand, they encourage you to stay organized and more productive. If you stick to your working schedule, it'll also help you not find yourself regularly working overtime. 

Take Breaks to Regain Energy

Taking breaks is essential for your overall concentration and recovering energy. If you take regular breaks, you won't end up sinking into problems so easily. On the contrary, you'll have a fresher mind to think about the issues from a broader perspective. Breaks can be short (e.g. making a cup of coffee after lunch), or long (short walk). It's absolutely up to you. Test what suits you best and don't forget about the breaks. You need them more than you think. 

Explain to Your Family that the Home Office Doesn't Mean a Day Off

When working from home, there will always be at least one family member who thinks that home office means a day off. Assuming that you are available all day for a long call, or going to a café in the middle of the day. If this is your case, you will have to invest time and effort to explain that home office means regular working. However, discipline is also needed on your side. Mute your phone and notifications so that you aren't disturbed by your friends, who have just tagged you on an Instagram photo. You could quickly end up chatting or scrolling down the Instagram feed. But you are working, right? 

Don't Get Distracted by the Housework

It's tempting to start watering the flowers, dusting your room, or doing any other house related activities. If you do these issues as a part of your regular break, it can work. But don't get distracted too much by these home issues. Make a plan and preferably, do these things when you're done with your work assignments. 

If you've just started working remotely, don't worry that you can't get into it immediately. It can take a few days, for some people, up to weeks. Try following the points mentioned above, or talk to friends who have experience with working remotely, and you will find your way to become more productive. 

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